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Julia Community Prize

The Julia Community Prizes have been announced based on this year's nominations. A certificate of accomplishement and a cash prize of $1000.00 has been awarded to:

Huda Nassar

For her contributions to growing the community through an outstanding series of data science courses and her outreach to other organizations evangelizing Julia.

Mosè Giordano

For his work supporting Julia's ability to interact with external libraries (BinaryBuilder and Yggdrasil) and outstanding user support on forums.

Chris Elrod

For his remarkable LoopVectorization.jl package, delivering state-of-the-art performance on a growing range of demanding computational tasks, and for effectively instructing the community on the factors that determine CPU performance.

Our congratulations to the winners, and our thanks to the committee.

Awards Committee

The members of the committee for 2020 continue to be Prof Alan Edelman, MIT; Prof Tim Holy, WU; and Mr Curtis Vogt, Invenia.